

I am writing this to help people see why superheroes are a good thing a lot of people have took the piss out of me because I’m a bog comic book and superhero fan so I’m doing this to tell people why I am such a big fan of them.

People think that comic books and superheroes are just for children but they couldn’t be more wrong even if they tried. Yeah taking a look at them you think childish but every comic book graphic novelist superheroe movies actually help the depressed and mental health people. You see they give people an escape every time they read about heroes watch them on tv or in movies or God for bid even talking about them it offered them an escape so instead of judging them just listen to them believe me it helps to believe in the impossible. We all know they are not real but they take us out of our own world and transports you in to the superhero universe either dc comics which is superman batman green arrow wonder woman the flash cyborg batgirl cat woman the green lantern and aquaman or marvel which is deadpool spider-man iron man captain america the black panther hulk Hawkeye ant man the wasp vision the scarlet witch black widow and so many more including squirrel girl. Or it could just be a Disney superhero movie like sky high or the incredibles every superhero movie is kind of the same but also very different. All I can say is that one of my very first hero’s was superman he was the first superhero I fell in love with from the original 1978-1987 the ones with Christopher Reeves I know I first saw them in the 90s sometime even though I was born on 1992 I remember seeing it but don’t remember how old I was haha. But every time I watch them movie or the original batman movies from late 1980s to mid-late 1990s with micheal keaton who was in 2 of them George Clooney and Val kilmer who only starred in 1 each they was and always be the best superhero movies around when they was good and not the crap there shoving down our throats now with all this dark hero crap. Superheroes are a release and an escape and people just don’t under stand why and i hope I’ve straightened it out now I am also a collector I have numerous collector items and every time I buy one I feel happier in my self but the biggest reason I love them so much is because me and my nephew Declan can bond over them and we can talk about them for hours every time I see Declan all we do is talk superheroes and seeing his little face light up Every time is just priceless and nothing can take that away from me. He doesn’t really know who his favourite hero is yet but he is leaning towards the greatest one which is superman he will always be my fave dc superhero and deadpool will always be my marvel one. There are numerous comic books out there all with different hero’s or just different all together if you suffer from a mental health issue I recommend going out or shopping online for comic books graphic novels or collectibles believe me the moment you leave this world to join in the hero’s world you will better for a short while and it really works so those who take the piss out of keep it coming because it makes me love them even more if you hate it tough. Instead of taking the piss actually take the time to understand why adults love them so much especially with mental health issues trust me you will learn something new if you just give it a try and listen to someone instead of judging them. Superheroes are the best and are going to help so many people I would love to give a shout out to Stan Lee who created the marvel universe and has helped so many people be who they are so thank you Stan Lee your a legend and the best thank you so much. I hope that this is helping someone or if you know someone struggling suggest to them to read this or to go and get some comic books. Thank you for reading.

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