It’s Christmas 2020.

Itsssss Christmas.

Hi, everyone sorry I have not been doing these much this year its been a giant mess and the pandemic has kept me busy especially with my family. It is Christmas time I know it doesn’t feel like Christmas this year with it being a major shit show of a year. But its almost time to say adios good bye to the worst year that has hit the world in a very long time. We need to look to the future and get back to living our lives especially after we get stabbed with the new vaccine jab which is what I’m dreading as I hate needles. This year has been a whirlwind of a year goes up then down then all around. I have been trying to keep my family safe always try to cheer them up when they are down. I for one can not wait until we can get back to normal well normalish nobody really wants to be normal as it is kinda boring. I hope next year will be the best year for everyone its a time of giving and sharing not tearing everything apart. It has been one hectic year. Last time I wrote a post was towards the beginning of the year. But last year I wrote a post about what I wanted to achieve this year and I am happy to say that the book I wanted to write is making some progress I have a title and most of the characters I just need to name them and a few places. I want to hear what you all achieved this year and I want to know what your plans will be for next year. I hope I can maybe get at least the first chapter written of my book. As you can probably tell I am a little rusty as its been a long time since I have done a post. But I promise I will try and write more. This year has been hell but me and my family had 1 very amazing day when we actually managed to get away to skegness for the day granted is was pouring with rain the weather was just miserable we got absolutely soaked through but it was still our best day of the year without a doubt and we are hoping we can go away for a week next year which we kind of deserve. I hope next year will be better for us all I hope you all stay safe and wear a mask don’t be a moron protect the world and wear a mask and wash your hands. Together we can all make this world a better place by listening to the rules and doing what we can to protect help each other during this horrible time. Life is still going strong but of you don’t help then it will fall. We are making progress and there is a vaccine now so we should be getting back to normalish very soon. Sorry I am drawing a blank now its been that long I’m loosing my creativity haha. I will bounce back so I am sorry if some of what I said got a little repetitive but together we can make 2021 a great year we can do it. If you are down and need some cheering up here is a music video about sausage rolls that should definitely make you smile like it does with me everytime I hear it there are 2 version the original which is just ladbaby and then a duet ladbaby ft Ronan keating. They have two other songs about sausage rolls and they both got to Christmas number one in the UK I hope and they hope they will get a 3rd fingers crossed. Have your self a very Happy Crimbo Merry Christmas to all I will be releasing a new post for new year hopefully the more I write them the less chance of me getting writers block have a great day make sure it’s fun and loving and remember you are never alone in this world there is always someone to talk to you just have to reach out and ask for help or a chat. Please like comment and share I want to break my viewing record of 63 for a single post so try and help me out please. Thank you in advance.

Please like share and comment help me break my viewing record of 63.

Merry Christmas everyone hope you all have a great day.

Below are the 2 videos for your viewing pleasure. By the way both songs are for charity to feed the hungry in the UK all proceeds from each song will go to the charity and will help them get to number #1 for the 3rd time in a row.

Ladbaby – don’t stop me eating.
Ladbaby ft Ronan Keating – don’t stop me eating.

2 thoughts on “It’s Christmas 2020.

  1. Aww bless little Shane thinking everything is OK.
    Shane care to explain why you and your entire family are under investigation by the police and social services?
    Also care to explain why you have sent videos of yourself to 14 year olds (the police have them) wanking yourself off?
    You live in a fantasy world you fucking bell end and when I see you walking around (and I have your new address) I will be putting you in hospital.
    And before you think this is Dean it isn’t. I have messaged him with lots of information about your family including the rapist father of yours


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